The customer wants more, for less, the market is shrinking and there is more competition. Sound familiar?
When margins are squeezed, it's natural for management to rigorously cut costs, or make the sales team ‘run faster’. The risk is that you constrict the very things needed to take you forward: innovation, differentiation and the commitment of all of your people to the sales process. Successful leaders will seek to make meaningful savings, whilst strengthening the position of their organisation and increasing value to its customers.
When you get to this point, time is rarely on your side. We'll take you through a rapid and iterative process to:
Define your long-term growth, vision and strategy. Regain/establish your competitive advantage.
From your customers perspective, differentiate, deliver all elements of value.
Leverage your organisational strengths to increase sales, sales margins and opportunities for growth
If you'd like to accelerate the growth of your organisation, contact us to book in a call with one of the Zingela team.
There are two wheels that run within the business: the visible wheel, and the invisible.
The visible wheel is comprised of your day-to-day operations: sales, distribution, product development, accounting etc. The invisible wheel includes those things that underpin your business, but that you may not review frequently: commercial and employment contracts, financial systems, intellectual property and trademarks, environmental standards etc.
When 'a spoke' on the visible wheel is broken – you have a business challenge, and it often becomes apparent quite quickly. When you have a broken spoke on the invisible wheel – you have a business risk, and it's often not noticed until it's too late.
We work with businesses to identify and address broken spokes on both wheels to improve the performance and the resilience of the business. Challenges include: poor sales performance, poor employee engagement, lack of innovation or lack of funding. Risks include: outdated and inadequate commercial and employment contracts, compliance and corporate governance.
If you have a challenge – or feel that you are susceptible in your business i.e. your contracts are outdated – contact us to book in a call with one of the Zingela team.
The principles and elements of value can be undetected or mistaken.
To help companies manage the value-side of the equation more directly, we work with them to understand how the elements (including operational, experiential, managing risk and personal and social impact) translate to successful business performance. We look to improve operational efficiencies and without increasing its cost-base take advantage of opportunities –to transform unrealised potential into real value for their stakeholders.
If you'd like to increase the value you deliver to your stakeholders and the value of your business, contact us to book in a call with one of the Zingela team.
Exit from your business may seem like a purely financial issue, but if you don't have the fundamentals in place – a rising sales line, increasing profits, increasing margins and tight cost controls – it's unlikely that the business will be sold for anything but a discount.
An exit strategy is just that – a strategy. If you want to be in the best possible position to realise the full value from your enterprise – don't leave it too late to begin preparing your exit.
As well as uncovering ways to increase the value of your business, we will help you develop a clearly articulated strategy and critical action plan – and guide you through the process as you exit your business whether it be through a merger, acquisition or management buy-out.
If you'd like to prepare your business for sale or define your exit strategy, contact us to book in a call with one of the Zingela team.